5 Signs You Need to Change Your Toothbrush

You should replace your toothbrush every six months. With normal brushing, that is about the amount of time it takes for your toothbrush to lose most of its ability to properly clean your teeth. The information below will help you determine if you’re ready for a new toothbrush. Here are five signs you need a new one.

The Bristles Are Worn Out – If the bristles on your toothbrush are frayed, it’s time for a replacement. Bristles are designed to get in between teeth to clear out bacteria, but they can’t do that if they are spread out all over the place

You Have Been Sick – If you continue to use the same toothbrush after you’ve been sick, you risk re-infecting yourself. The same goes for your toothpaste.

Your Toothbrush Touched Another Toothbrush – Because toothbrushes carry a lot of bacteria in between their bristles, it’s important to keep it from touching other people’s toothbrushes. It saves you from swapping bacteria from another person.

Your Toothbrush Was Not Stored Properly – Storing your toothbrush is a whole lot more important than most people realize. Bacteria grow best in warm, moist environments. If you have kept your toothbrush locked away in a container or in a bathroom drawer, it may already be full of bacteria. Store your new toothbrush with the bristles up and exposed to the air so you don’t have to constantly rebuy new ones.

You Can’t Remember When You Last Got a New Toothbrush – If you can’t remember when you got your current toothbrush, it’s time to get a new one. If you get regular dental checkups every six months, use the toothbrush that your dentist gives to you. Otherwise, pick two days a year that you can remember, such as June 1 and December 1st every year.